FAA Part 107 Study Guides

What to do before, during, and after your FAA Part 107 test - it's all here.

FAA Part 107 Study Guides

So you want to put your drone to work to earn money. Or your job requires aerial flight. You're going to need that FAA Part 107 license!

Thankfully, this certification process is easy if you're prepared for it.

But how do you prepare for the test? Everyone learns differently, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

What you do need to be aware of are outdated, irrelevant study materials. These include blog posts, YouTube videos, and apps. Old material can send you down the wrong path to a failure.

I've made sure that these study materials are as up-to-date as possible for you:

Part 107 Group Training & Discounts

Group rates for businesses, schools, and government organizations.
S&T Multirotor design team

Part 107 Test Prep Topics

What's on the FAA Part 107 test?

There are five knowledge areas on the FAA Part 107 test:

  1. Regulations
  2. Airspace
  3. Weather
  4. Aircraft performance
  5. Operations

The test contains 60 questions, but some knowledge areas are given more weight. For example, up to 25% of questions can be about regulations, but only 10% of the test questions will be about aircraft performance.

Click here to read more about the five knowledge areas on the FAA Part 107 Test.

There were some big changes released in April 2021; be careful of outdated material.  Read a rundown of these major Part 107 changes here.

Scheduling your test

All Part 107 scheduling is now done online. Read this step-by-step guide to scheduling your test.

After the test

There's more to do after you pass your test before you can get your certificate.

Registering your drone

Don't forget to register your drone. It's not just required for Part 107 pilots either.